While walking around the week before spring break, I had the opportunity to visit a 3rd grade teacher’s classroom. As I watched her model and talk through the writing of an expository composition with our Wolves, and saw the energy in which her students attacked it, I had to stop and ask what the secret was. She passionately went on to explain how easy this graphic organizer was, how it simplified the process, and really set the stage for our 4th graders who would be assessed on expository writing on their STAAR exam.
I asked if she thought her students could come up with a handout “or something” that could explain what an expository paper looked like and how she was teaching it, so that parents could see what we were doing to prepare our students for this assessment.
I could have made a detailed flyer. Or I could have not engaged in her a conversation. Or I could have assumed the same trickle down way of learning could take place and I didn’t need to get involved. But really, I just needed to ask the right questions and then get out of her way.
I hope you are surrounded by innovative teachers like I am, and that you know when to get out of the way!