My counselor emails our staff each morning. (I know…amazing, right??) I thought hers today was particularly incredible.
This Spring Break, we went skiing in Taos. On our second day, Sam decided to learn to snowboard, but by the time we got his gear switched, the lessons were full. So, in an attempt to make his day more enjoyable (or less lonely), I decided to join him. I’ve skied quite a while, but snowboarding was brand new.
And you know what? I remembered how hard learning truly is. As an adult, I really only try and learn things that are in my field of study – things I can master because I have prior knowledge. But this? No prior knowledge, people. And no natural ability. None.
I fell.
A lot.
Sometimes (most times), on accident. But sometimes I fell on purpose (because mama needed a break).
By the end of the day, I was tired and sore in places I didn’t know could hurt. We spent a better part of the day laughing at each other, but there was some crying, too.
Because learning is hard.
There were moments we both thought about giving up, but we didn’t, and I’m so glad because while we ended up loving it (but also kinda hating it), we were in the mess together.
What are you doing to remind yourself what our students are exposed to each and every day? How can you support your team in feeling that growing pain again, and appreciate it?
Amber – I wrote about my experience learning how to put in contact lenses: