The twitter verse is mighty. It constantly roars. It would almost be impossible to consider everyone in the twitterverse as a close confidant…but what you can find in that subculture are connections that can guide you along your path either personally or professionally.
I have SkypeD with complete strangers. I have google hang outD with complete strangers. I have asked for advice and guidance from complete strangers. This is perfectly normal, 🙂
However, traveling to #ASCD13 literally knowing IRL NO one that was going to be there was a stretch even for me. I’m the girl who needs company walking to get tea, remember?
I knew that my first “meeting up” would be with @Principalj, aka Jessica Johnson. We were going to meet in the media room first thing so I knew that from there, hopefully, I’d find another familiar face. And by face, I completely mean avatar.
And I did, 🙂 I was able to put a face to many a name that I’ve spent years interacting with, but not actually known. Names that I’ve actively tried to emulate professionally, like @NMHS_Principal, @gcouros, & @web20classroom. Names that I’ve thought were witty and an outstanding educator example, like @thenerdyteacher. Names that I’d seen but have been too intimidated to “tweet” to, like @paulawhite & @tomwhitby.
That was amazing.
That was my goal in being there…meeting the twitterati. Right?
What I didn’t anticipate were the connections I didn’t even know I could make. Random connections, from people who I wasn’t even “following” before the weekend….but now have texted every day since.
@erinklein, over at Kleinspiration is a teacher from Michigan.@Angela_Watson, from The Cornerstone for Teachers, is an author from New York. The thought provoking conversations and inspiration that these two were able to provide were eye opening. Having dinner with them was like hanging out with my best girlfriends, except almost better. We all have a similar vision, passion, and a heart for technology & education. I truly feel that these two connections were the reason I went last weekend. To remind me of who I am and who I want to be. An educator, an assistant principal, who cares about her Lions and staff, and above all…relationships.
I’m SO thankful that I get to add this one to the list!
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