Is it me, or is October 5,000 days long?
Feels like it, I’m telling ya!
Parent conferences, expectations setting in, data, assessments…feels like there is a little bit of everything we do, crammed into this month. There’s a reason we call this the first armpit of the school year. It’s when the honeymoon is over and our reality has set in. Thanksgiving seems really far away, and it’s all crashing down around us.
Just in case your team needs a boost like I feel like mine might, here’s an easy way to brighten a day. I’m throwing this into mailboxes as hopefully an acknowledgment that not only am I feeling it too but that there is an end in sight!
Attach it to a chapstick, and there ya go! Packs are cheap at the Walmart, or you can order from Amazon.
(Chapstick can be ordered from Amazon in bulk here!)
10 more days…we can do this!
Paddling &
Thank you! We needed this!