I am puh-retty excited about going to ASCD tomorrow!! I’ve been to ASCD before, but I went with my techno team in sunny FL a few years ago. It was a memorable experience for many reasons (it may be smart to make sure your secretary has actually REGISTERED you for the conference…) but this time will be completely different.
For starters, I’m heading there…alone. As in ALL BY MYSELF! Those who know me are gasping in shock right now, I know. I can barely walk to get tea from the cafeteria alone much less go to an airport, fly somewhere, get to my hotel, and then attend a conference alone!
Why the grownupness, you ask?
It started with this email.
“A colleague has requested a press pass for you to the ASCD Annual Conference and Exhibit Show in Chicago, Ill. on March 16-18. If this is an event you would like to attend, please RSVP to my colleague Marissa B, who is cc:ed here. She will collect all your details and get you set up.
For more information on attending as media, please see: http://ac13.ascd.org/media/main.aspx. You will be writing about leadership for the Connected Principals blog, we’re really looking forward to seeing your coverage. I also encourage you to tweet about the conference leading up, and during, your time in Chicago, using the hashtag #ASCD13. In addition, we’d love to have you at the Tweet Up.”
I paused for about two minutes. Then the reality of meeting my twitter tweeps like @PrincipalJ, @Joe_Mazza, @NMHS_Principal, & @stumpteacher kicked in…I even think @gcouros will be there! Then my mind jumped to great sessions like Leading with Instruction in Mind, The Power of Transformational Leadership: Transforming Schools Through Innovative Leadership Capacity, & In the Balance: Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness, Leadership, and Evaluation.
You think I’d be sold then, right? Nope, but almost. It wasn’t until I realized that two of the select presenters were Maya Angelou and Sandra Day O’Conner would be there. Bucket list material!!
So that has evolved into me actually going…and being SUPER excited! I do have a friend from high school there to come get me if I end up lost somewhere, 🙂 and a fireman friend of MT’s will meet at the airport to give me a rail pass. Now, just to find out what that means, 🙂
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