I have used twitter as my note taking guide from other conferences and it has worked fine. The problem with using it at ISTE was I was there for 5 days and there were over 50,000 tweets. Bah! Impossible to scour and dig deeper. Here are my tops from a couple of sessions I attended or *starred* while I was there.
Going Google:Save resources and maximize your chance for success:
- Be curious, not cautious.
- Going google allowed dumping of 280 apps, to switch to the cloud…Never waste a good crisis!
- Dealing with teacher hesitancy on professional background sharing: I’m trusting you with my child, I need to know who you are
- “I’m sensitive to teacher concerns: I still make them do it, but we talk a lot about it.”
- Live google cally embedded into district site, allows for fast & simple sharing with stakeholders
- I like tools that allow Ts to utilize 95% of the tools capacity…yea google! (He was comparing this to Microsoft…where 95% of teachers only utilize 5% of what it can do. Genius thought!!)
Untangling the web: Free tools to power up your teaching, authors Adam Bellow & Steve Dembo break down the best of the best
- Key to finding technologies that last…book is a blend, looking at the of making it new!
- Even if it’s old hat to you, chances are someone down the hall has never heard of it…hate the mentality of “oh, I’ve seen that, oh I know all about that.” Odds are the majority of teachers in your district HAVEN’T.
- Get out your devices…and change the world.
- All resources shared here: http://padlet.com/wall/iste13 Padlet offers secure & moderated pages, gr8 for Ts & Ss
- http://Ipiccy.com @teach42 just said it was as good, if not better than picnik… does include all my picmonkey faves like adding mascara, a tan, and eye brighteners, also ALL free
- Thinglink.com You can create mixed media interactive map…think timeline meets powerpoint, but cooler.
- Thenounproject.com creating an image for every noun… Wow! Great resource for infographic creation. Can search just for free images; grab icon images that are clean and easy to transfer
- Personas.media.mit.edu is a way to find your digital footprint ( I haven’t been able to get this to connect for me, boo.)
- I didn’t know http://bighugelabs.com offered a free educator account tht offers a unique URL, no ads! great site!! Never seen that one before!! tons of free, fun sign makers including that Cubs sign up there, 🙂
- http://Delivr.com edit your QR code, great site for management & sharing! This one is WAY cool, because it allows you to edit the QR codes. So instead of having to recreate and rehang, you can simply edit the ones in your building/campus. Like an Easter egg hunt, you never know what you’re going to find!
- wevideo.com Amazing class video potential!!! My head is spinning with those campus possibilities!! You can have tons of media already loaded and let kids create their own mashups. What a time saver!!
- PrintFriendly.com – make print friendly & PDF versions of webpages! Awesome 4 teachers trying to grab digital resources