The site “Reddit” both fascinates and terrifies me. It’s not somewhere I find resources because of my un-awareness of it, but I did discover something pretty cool! One of our teachers received a free box of goodies for his SPED classroom this year, from an anonymous donor, from the Reddit site.
Here’s the explanation blurb off the Reddit site:
Reddit gifts for the teachers is our annual program where teachers sign up who are in need of supplies for their classrooms, and nice people sign up to send them some supplies! There is no minimum or suggested value of these gifts, they can be as simple as some pencils or glue sticks – anything makes a difference and we need your help! Last year, participants from around the world sent almost $150,000 worth of supplies for teachers as the new school year started.
PLEASE sign up and share this page with anyone and everyone!
Did you know this was out there? How great! Make a note for next year OR donate today!!
disclaimer: Reddit is a site best viewed at home. It offers an open platform to its contributors and may not be appropriate for school.
Here’s our teacher’s thank you page…just a lil’effort on his part had a great payoff!
Reddit and weep,
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