When I am needing a treat for my staff or for those I want to celebrate around me, I have two qualifiers…are they easy? and are they cheap? One of the easiest (and cheapest!) little pick me ups that Melinda and I are including in our upcoming book is that of sharing encourageMINT.
Who doesn’t love a good box of tic tacs? Who doesn’t need a lil’pick me up every now and then? This idea combines the two to make it easy to share! I’ve seen these given as “elf vitamins” near Christmas or as “Mint to be” treats near Valentine’s day…but I like a good positivity quote for mine!
First, you’ll need sticker paper. I’ve used this one, and it’s cheap and gets the job done. You can always print out regular paper and add double sided tape, but again, I like EASY. Sticker paper lets you just cut, peel, and apply. Within the printer settings make sure to check print “actual size” and then if you can choose “high quality” on “matte photo paper” for the best look. Then trim out each label. There are 8 per sheet.
Here is a blank template that you can edit as you want to for your team.
Want one already completed? Thanks @jjmottsy for sharing!
Finally, you need tic tacs! You can get boxes at your favorite big box store or you can order here!
These work out to be less than a dollar each, and again are easy peasy! If you’re looking for a March themed idea, here’s an idea you can borrow from Vanessa Brady. I don’t do bathroom humor, but maybe you do!
Keep sharing the encourageMINT, friends!
fresh breathed &