My beast, who is a freshman this year, is taking a heavy course load. She has all Pre-AP or AP classes..has added three clubs to her plate, in addition to playing high school basketball. She is loving it, but…
High school is hard ya’ll. I had to get her two different Cliff’s notes to help support her Biology world, just to supplement what she is covering each day. She has page after page of notes that she prints off religiously, in addition to what she covers in class. I contacted a learning specialist and her teacher earlier in the year to get some tips and tricks, and they helped, but didn’t seem to be what she needed. I then had the specialist follow up with her personally…he went through HER system, HER notes, and got HER thoughts. He was really able to identify where she was struggling.
It made SUCH a difference.
It made me realize how much more impactful advice and suggestions are when they are PERSONAL, tailored to the individual. I send out a weekly newsletter and it’s full of generic advice/reminders. My new goal is to figure out how to communicate growth and coaching tips in a manner that either IS personal or makes it feel that way. Love languages are real…and can ensure that your message is received and heard. I sent a survey to my staff asking how they like to be celebrated, so I know best what makes them valued. I can write happy notes all day long but if it’s a public shoutout that fills someone’s bucket, I’m never going to get through to them the way I want too. Knowing that any change needs a relationship as its foundation…this needs to be our focus.
Kelly Taylor says
This is awesome Amber!