- Acknowledge the author of the blog post.
- Let the author know if you agree with him/her and why.
- It is also ok to disagree with something, just let the author know why you feel that way.
- One word comments are not very useful. Writing just “cool” or “nice” are not very
- helpful and don’t let the author of the blog post really know what you are thinking.
- Always make sure you follow “netiquette”. Think if it is appropriate BEFORE you hit
- the submit button.
- Always be polite . It does not matter if you agree or disagree with what you are reading in a blog. Don’t write anything you would be ashamed of saying to someone’s face.
- Don’t hurt somebody’s feelings.
a techno Teamann tip
How very misleading that title is, because I actually have TWO techno tips for you! (bonus!)
Second, in this months “Tech and Learning” magazine, I came across a GREAT web 2.0 idea. An idea I think is so profound I will be adding it to my Techno Infusion class we’ll be offering at the Tech center this semester. As an alternative to writing a book report, what if you had your students go to Amazon.com and review the books there? Give them several guidelines, show them some good examples, but then let them review the book in a way that will actually help others as opposed to earn just a grade. I know that my former 4th graders would have LOVED to do something like this and would have given it much more of their attention, knowing it was for the big wide world to see. If that terrifies you, do you have a blog? Let them be guest posters and write a book review blog, encouraging other students to read a certain book and why.
Since I mentioned blogs, I’ll also mention that we are having gBlog classes at the technology center ONCE a month for the rest of the school year. If these fill up, we’ll offer more. A blog is a great communication & learning tool that can seamlessly correlate with whatever subject or grade level that you teach. My daughter was blogging in the first grade and I do have a kindergarten teacher that blogs as well. I know that this is TAKS season and that you already have a ton of to-do’s on your list. Consider coming to the class and let me show you how easy a blog can be and how much it can add to your classroom!
my blog-y best,
Seriously Skype!
digitally yours,
Blogging for parents
Here is the letter that I’ve used and modified throughout the year to introduce blogging to the students and their parents. Feel free to modify and adjust as you see fit.
gooooooooooooooood joooooooooob!
One of the strategies we’ve worked so hard to integrate into our trainings were the cheers that we’ve now seen at a couple of different places. The facilitator’s first saw these at the fabulous ASCD conference we went to on peer coaching with Robin Fogarty and Brian Pete. (Who, btw, are incredible! Check them out when you can!)
I wish I’d been thinking this week throughout the staff developments we’ve done to get ONE of the fabulous volunteers who did a cheer on camera, but alas, I didn’t. Rest assured, the memories will still make me giggle!
Click, click, weeeee’ing,