I am a firm believer in that if it isn’t written down, odds are I won’t remember to get to it with fidelity. I’ve written about my goals for several years now (2015, 2104, 2012) and love being able to reference not only where I was personally but also professionally. I’m only 8 days late into sharing my goals but have no fear! I am ready!
- Enjoy every moment. Matt Arend, a principal pro from Plano ISD, is blogging daily about a single moment that he took the time to notice and appreciate from that day. His posts are already impressive but thinking about the clarity of appreciating what every single day brings, especially in whatever stage of your life/career is in is alluring. Couple that with what I saw on Pinterest, “The 30 day Happy Teacher challenge“, I called on my pretty awesome administrators to help me create OUR very own admin version.
Feel free to download and share! I plan on working through this challenge several times this year. I’ll print and simply mark off each day that I complete.
- Read 125 books this year! I met last year’s goal of 100 books (!!!) which I tracked through Goodreads. I loved the accountability as well being as able to reference the books I’d completed by using the Goodreads app. It offered me suggestions based on what I had read and allowed me to scan in potential books I wanted to read when I came across a suggestion in a blog or Target aisle. Follow me and let’s share books!
- Listen more, talk less. If you know me, you may have actually just laughed out loud. I’m not what you would consider a “quiet” girl, and take my Gallup Strength of “activator” very seriously. Through some really great conversations with my leadership team, they don’t necessarily need to me to talk, they just need me.
In order to complete this semester and achieve my goal of being “the very best first year principal in the history of the world”, I need to be able to meet their needs, and be available for what they need, vs what I think they need.
- Find the time for what makes you you. I have definitely seen a dip in “what I’ve always done” this past semester. Less girl time, (Angela Watson, where are youuuuuu?) less husband time, (gulp.) less blogging…I know it is the ever moving target of finding a balance that we all struggle with. I’m hoping that with some intentionality, I can make these things happen with more fidelity this semester.
While having fewer goals this year, this all still pretty much hit all that makes me happy and what will move me forward as a mom, as a wife, and as a principal. I challenge you to not think about what you would like to see the year 2016 bring, but actually write it down…take steps to achieve it…make it happen!!